

January 6, 2012 The Concrete Jungle has a roof bar replete with badass latinos arguing with badder-ass latinas about whose mother is the coolest, and it is a serious argument. You think you can joke about this kind of thing? No, pendejo. She missed a…

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Dutch Crunch

January 3, 2012 This dude has way cooler shoes than me, and a hot asian gf, but dammit even if NYC was settled by a bunch of fay Dutch pansies, Dutch Crunch bread belongs to SF.

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Basically, Ohio

December 30, 2011 Oh shit. Trapped behind a wall of sugar in Ohio. If i eat my way out I will be too big to get through the exit. Doomed. Send help.

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Saints and Burritos

December 28, 2011 Taqueria, The Mission. We take our saints seriously in SF. I figure it can’t hurt. Saints aren’t scary like gods can be. They often suffered greatly before gaining the capacity to perform miracles. In other words, they are the superheroes of Christianity.

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