
Hurricane Diary, Sunday, 07:15:23 EDT

August 28, 2011 The majestic island of Manhattan, no longer visible in the storm, is consumed, say the Brooklyn hipster meteorologists, by wind and rain and the wraith of non-denominational gods drunk on cheap PBR and expensive whiskey. We pray the neighbors’ swimming pool will…

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Provincetown, Halloween

Late October, 2009 I was chatting with this giant pincushion - and he was pissed. I’ve never met a pincushion that pissed off before… and I feel his pain. Quotes from memory: “I gotta take a leak … but I gotta find a god damned…

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Refrigerator Future Shock

I wrote this on July 29, 2001 in response to a pre-IoT article about connected “smart” appliances from IBM’s lab. I guess we were a little bit ahead of the times at the Media Lab cuz the nuisance bit of this anticipated future is only…

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